Safeland Connect Homes is coming to UK!

Safeland Connect Homes is coming to UK!

When David came home to find his house had been broken into, he felt violated and afraid. He had been 30 minutes from home when his alarm notified him.

David’s neighbour, Tracey, felt terrible that she was home the whole time and could have done something to help, had she known…

Now, home security is set to become more effective by adding the help of our trusted neighbours.

Safeland Connect Homes releases on Tuesday, which connects a person’s home alarm to the collaborative Safeland environment, allowing neighbours to protect homes together.

As Safeland users, we wanted to give you guys the scoop early!

So, why is localising home security so important?

A home burglary is carried out quickly, usually taking around eight minutes. Police and security struggle to arrive within that timeframe to catch the criminal or have access to helpful evidence.

With home burglaries still prominent in the UK, and police resources stretched, the need to do something different was clear.

Neighbours are close, they care, and they can be well utilised in a situation where a local home is threatened.


How does Safeland Connect Homes work?

With Safeland Connect Homes, you connect your compatible home alarm to Safeland, and to a private group of your most trusted neighbours.

If your home is threatened, everyone in the group is instantly notified on their devices. Everyone works together, in real time, to assist with the situation.

Neighbours can witness, call police, share images or even check out the home, if appropriate.


How do you get Safeland Connect Homes?

On Tuesday, Safeland Connect Homes will be released.

You will need to visit to see what alarms we work with and purchase the Connect Homes service

How much does the service cost?

To connect your home alarm to Safeland costs £49 a year.

The Safeland app is completely free – which means any neighbours you want involved in your group to look out for your home don’t need to spend a penny.


I’m so excited – what am I supposed to do until Tuesday when Safeland Connect Homes launches?


  • Get talking with your neighbours and get them signed up to the Safeland app – free!
  • Share this short film about Safeland Connect Homes to spread the word.
  • Start creating your group of active neighbours now – connect your home alarm to it next week!

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